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17/04/2020What to do when there is no teaching in the school
For the increase in the number of COVID-19 confirmed cases in the past March, there are more campaigns to stay at home according to the recommendation of the Ministry of Public Health that “stay home, stop infection for the nation”. In order to operate university uninterrupted, smoothly and continuously, RMUTT has provide several platforms for teachers and students. Let’s take a look at the guidelines for Learn from Home and Work from Home.
1. Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams is a product of Office365. Teachers, students and educational personnel can use Microsoft Teams to coordinate, organize, meetings and teach online for free for Android and iOS. Guaranteeing data security standards video conference supports a maximum of 250 people per 1 meeting and has a VDO recording system for online collaboration.
2. Skype for Business
Teachers, students and educational personnel can use Skype for Business to coordinate, organize, meetings and teach online remotely. From anywhere, anytime. Free for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.
3. Zoom
Teachers, students, and educational personnel can use Zoom to coordinate, organize meetings, and teach online. Zoom can support a maximum of 100 people and the duration of the meeting per 1 meeting is not more than 45 minutes can share files and presentation screens. Zoom has a video conferencing system for hosting, free for Windows, OSx, Android and iOS applications.
4. Google Hangouts Meet
Google Hangouts Meet is a video conference system. Teachers, students, and educational personnel can use Google Hangouts Meet to connect, organize meetings and teach online for free. For Android and iOS. It can support up to 100 people. and also able to record VDOs and upload to YouTube instantly, as well as sharing files and presentation screens.
5. RMUTT D-Learn
The online classroom of Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi is an online learning management system that provides an atmosphere similar to studying in a classroom, also known as the LMS (Learning Management System). Students, professors, or university personnel who are interested can use the RMUTTD-Learn system. In order to manage learning and teaching by teachers able to manage their own courses such as lesson assignments and teaching media In addition, students can study online at any time, which is suitable for learning (Flipped Classroom) as well as working with communication tools for online meetings between professors and students. In addition, the Office of Academic Resources and Information Technology provides services room for recording VDO teaching media.
For those interested, fill out the information at http://bit.ly/VDOonline
THAI MOOC is an open system education for lifelong learning in order to share learning media resources between higher education institutions with expertise in a variety of disciplines, as a collaborative effort to develop and manage open online education for the public. Currently, Thai-MOOC There are more than 40 participating universities and more than 140 courses. Learning using MOOC is beneficial to the learner, which makes the student Students can choose to study courses of interest from various universities around the world. Teachers can create online lessons, produce teaching materials that make students interested in helping build a lifelong learning community. Able to disseminate knowledge to the outside, showing the strength of teaching, research, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
For those interested, fill out the information at http://mooc.thaicyberu.go.th/
*More information about Learn from Home and Work from Home guidelines for professors and students at https://www.ict.rmutt.ac.th/?p=2392