Ph.D Program in Applied Chemistry

Science and Technology


The Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Chemistry is a research-intensive graduate program focused on intellectual development and creation of novel technology or innovation for sustainable change in three fields of specialization:

1.Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology:

    • Functional Polymers, Polymerization in aqueous dispersed systems
    • Polymer Microcapsules and Microspheres, Biopolymer
    • Photoelectrocatalysis, Thin-film fabrication, Energy and Environmental application
    • Photocatalytic nanomaterials
    • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Heterogeneous Catalysis

2.Analytical Chemistry and Environment:

    • Chemical sensor, Biosensor, Electrochemistry, Nanomaterials
    • Wastewater Treatment
    • Sample preparation, Environmental and Analytical chemistry, Chromatography


    • Plant​ biochemistry, Bio-active​ compound​s, Protein​ structure​ and​ functional
    • Biochemistry, Proteomics and Protein mechanism
    • Fluorescence sensors, Nanomaterials, and Natural product

Duration of Course 3 years

Language of Instruction: Thai/English

Entry requirements:

  1. To hold a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in the field of Chemistry or related from an accredited institution comparable to the degree offered at RMUTT, or expected to acquire such a degree before the RMUTT enrollment date.
  2. To have an excellent academic record from reputable universities.
  3. To have the aim, satisfactory knowledge and research skill to work in the research field of this program
  4. To have a high English proficiency (TOEIC³ 650)
 Application documents
  1. Resume
  2. Original bachelor's degree and master’s degree academic transcripts in English (Include date of issue) or their photocopies verified and bears FRESH school stamp by the graduated university or by a notary public. The transcript must contain a list of all the courses studied each year including the marks or grades for each course and GPA. If the applicants are still studying a master's degree, providing a temporary academic transcript.
  3. Briefly the thesis in English and list of publications (if available).
  4. Research proposal (1-2 pages in length): A detail of the research plan related to interesting research fields and topics of the program.
ge in length): A detail of the research plan related to interesting research fields and topics of the program.

Course Content

Total of Credit 48 Credit
Type 1.1 (Doctoral Dissertation only):
Doctoral Dissertation 48 credits
Type 2.1 (Doctoral Dissertation and coursework):
Compulsory Course 9 credits
Elective Courses 3 credits
Doctoral Dissertation 36 credits
Total   48 credits

Program Structure

1. Compulsory Course (9 credits)
Type 1.1               5   Credits*
Type 2.1               9   Credits
09-211-601 Research Methodology in Applied Chemistry* 3(3-0-6)
09-211-602 Advanced Instruments for Analysis 4(2-6-6)
09-211-603 Seminar 1* 1(0-3-1)
09-211-701 Seminar 2* 1(0-3-1)
* Remarks: Type 1.1 Select those courses, the academic performance is measured by grades of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S or U)
2. Elective Courses (3 credits)
Type 2.1 select one of the following courses
2.1 Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology
09-212-601 Polymer Synthesis and Characterizations 3(3-0-6)
09-212-603 Semiconductor and Photocatalysis 3(3-0-6)
09-212-606 Polymerization in Dispersed Systems 3(3-0-6)
09-212-607 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3(3-0-6)
09-212-701 Advanced Organic Materials 3(3-0-6)
09-212-702 Thin Film Technology 3(3-0-6)
09-212-703 Biopolymer 3(3-0-6)
09-212-707 Computational Chemistry 3(2-3-5)
2.2 Environmental and Analytical Chemistry
09-213-601 Trace Analysis 3(3-0-6)
09-213-602 Analytical Method Validation 3(3-0-6)
09-213-603 Waste Reduction and Recycling Technology 3(3-0-6)
09-213-605 Applications of Separation Technique 3(3-0-6)
09-213-701 Green Chemistry 3(1-6-4)
09-213-702 Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production 3(3-0-6)
09-213-703 Biosensor and Applications 3(3-0-6)
09-213-704 Selected Topics in Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 3(3-0-6)
2.3 Biochemicals
09-214-601 Enzymology 3(3-0-6)
09-214-602 Bioorganic Chemistry 3(3-0-6)
09-214-603 Cosmetic Technology 3(3-0-6)
09-214-701 Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry 3(3-0-6)
09-214-702 Nutraceutical 3(3-0-6)
09-214-703 Selected Topics in Biochemistry 3(3-0-6)
3. Doctoral Dissertation
09-219-802 Doctoral Dissertation for Type 1.1 48(0-0-144)
09-219-802 Doctoral Dissertation for Type 2.1 36(0-0-108)